Severe osteoporosis is a bone disease that causes your body to lose too much bone. In some cases, your body does not make enough bone. When these bone defects occur, a lack of sufficient bones leave you more prone to developing weakened bone that fractures when you suffer falls. You can benefit from treatment for severe osteoporosis.

Low Density In Your Bones

When your bones become weak, then they have less density, which can cause you to easily hurt yourself by innocently sneezing. If you are 50 years of age or older, you can ask your primary care physician to schedule a bone density test that will determine whether you have osteoporosis.

Illnesses That Increase Risk Of Osteoporosis

Certain illnesses increase your risk of developing osteoporosis. Those illnesses include celiac, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, Lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis.

Osteoporosis Is A Deceptive Condition

Be fully aware that osteoporosis is quite often referred to as a silent disease due to the fact that at no time can you actually feel your bones weakening. Generally you can tell that something is not quite right with your bones when you suffer a broken bone. That might just be a sign indicating the onset of osteoporosis. You may also notice that you are shorter in height. Your back might also be hunched over with your head slightly bowed. You should report these findings to your primary care physician and request that a bone density test be done.

Fairly New Medication For Severe Osteoporosis

There is good news about a relatively new medication, abaloparatide, which is designated for treating osteoporosis. The FDA approved it in April of 2018. However, it is only recommended for use in patients who are suffering from severe osteoporosis. Experts say you must have a severe history of osteoporotic fractures and you are also facing quite a lot of multiple risk factors for fracture in order to become eligible for this therapy.

Have You Undergone All Other Treatments?

If you have used every other available osteoporosis treatments without success, you can be approved for this new medication. It is an injectable therapy, and you can discuss with your doctor whether you can be a candidate for this type of therapy.

How Abaloparatide Works

This medication is a bone-building agent that is administered once a day subcutaneously and injected into the area around your belly button. It contains human parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP), which is responsible for stimulating bone cells called osteoblasts that produce new bone tissue.

Bone Building And Effectiveness

The science of abaloparatide is not designed to build bone forever. Treatment would last for two years at the most. There is a period thereafter for assessing the drug's effectiveness. Patients like you would be expected to use bisphosphonates for a number of years to maintain the bone density gains you received from abaloparatide. 

Contact a doctor to learn more about abaloparatide injections to treat osteoporosis.
