Whether you are preparing for your wedding day or simply want to enjoy a fresh, updated look, there are several reasons to visit your favorite stylist to get your hair colored. However, before you commit to a new color, realize that just because a hair color looks great in a magazine or on the internet does not mean it will work right with your skin tone. Here are a few important questions you need to ask your stylist before having your hair professionally colored.

What Color Would Look Amazing on Me?

Before getting your heart set on a certain color, ask your stylist to recommend a hue that would look good on you. The stylist will consider your current hair color, your skin tone, and your eye color while making a recommendation.

For example, if your hair is already colored and it is a darker hue, such as black or dark brown, your hair will need to be lightened prior to adding a new color.

It could take several visits to your stylist before you are able to achieve the lighter color you want.

How Much Upkeep Is Involved?

Not all hair colors are created equal, and some will require more upkeep and extra visits to the salon to maintain the color. For example, red hair is often prone to fading and you should wash your hair in cool water and use a shampoo and conditioner specially formulated for use on colored hair. Blonde hair should be toned periodically to prevent the color from becoming brassy.

Take this extra cost into consideration when choosing your next hair color.

Is My Hair Healthy Enough to Handle the Products?

If your hair is color or chemically treated, such as if your hair has been treated with a relaxer, dyed in the past, or you have had a perm, your hair might be too damaged to handle a new color. Coloring hair that is already damaged from being chemically treated can lead to damage and in the worst cases, you could suffer from hair loss.

Ask your stylist to examine your hair and scalp and make any determinations before applying a new color. If your hair is damaged, your stylist may recommend waiting several weeks or months for your hair and scalp to heal. You may need a cut to remove any damaged ends. Your stylist can also recommend products that will help improve the health of your hair.

Prior to expressing yourself with a fresh hair color, talk to your stylist about whether your hair is healthy and which color would work best with your skin tone and personal style.

Contact a beauty salon, such as You Beauty Lounge, for more information.  
